domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

De Correspondência a Correspondente (sem dar por isso)

Curioso, encontrei a seguinte entrada, no blog de um tipo que me contactou a propósito de um video que publiquei no Youtube.

Na altura, disse-me que estava a frequentar um curso de Jornalismo no Reino Unido e interessou-se pela história do video, por ser residente nessa zona.
Troquei alguns emails com o indivíduo, sobretudo informações onde ele poderia saber mais sobre o assunto do video.
Um ano depois, descobri que tinha sido nomeado "correspondente"...

"Friday, December 01, 2006

Here's to deadlines

I've managed to prove to myself that anything is possible when you really put your mind to it.
I managed to get all my work done this week for handing in by putting in maximum effort with the last leg of it, having many a sleepless night along the way.

That, AND I managed to go about my usual leisurely business with dance, doing an evening class on Monday, Stanwell Youth Club on Wednesday and Magna the night before!

The task involved me editing the material I had for broadcast news, in other words, my radio piece, from two five-minute interviews to a 3:40min long report - and it sounds flawless!

Now I'm working on trying to make my work pay off, by getting attention from the local papers interested, and maybe getting my piece on King Manoel archived.

On that note, I have my first Portuguese correspondent, Nuno, if ever I need help with my stories - how good is this?

Inside I'm jumping for joy.
Tomorrow morning I am to have a shave before work, as all this coursework has kept me from looking after my facial fuzz!

Peace all"


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